Solar Car Archaeology Research Institute

ソーラーカーの歴史 序論 最初のソーラーカー
The History of the Solar Car / The First Solar Car

2. The Solar King  ソーラー・キング

  Charles Alexander Escoffery (International Rectifier), USA, 1958-1960.
  チャールズ・エスコファリー(IRF社)米国 1958-1960年

 インターナショナル・レクティファイア社(以下IRF社)により、ベイカー・エレクトリックカー(1912年製のヴィンテージ電気自動車)のルーフデッキに10640個のシリコン太陽電池を搭載したソーラーカー(solar-powered car)「The Solar King」が公開された。

"Solar King" International Rectifier1958-1960

 IRF社はセレン整流器のメーカーとして1947年に設立され、50年代にはゲルマニウム整流器の製造を開始、1958年には太陽電池の製造を開始した。このソーラーカー「The Solar King」はシリコン太陽電池のプロモーションを目的に、IRF社の創設者でもあるエリック・リドウ(Eric Lidow)社長が、技術助手であったチャールズ・エスコファリ(Dr. Charles Alexander Escoffery (Escoffary))に指示して製作させた物である。*2a) 「The Solar King」は、シカゴ、ニューヨーク、ローマ、コペンハーゲン、アムステルダム、ロンドンにてデモされた *2b)。ロンドンでのデモは1960年7月4日であった。 *2f)。なお、公開は1960年であったが製作自体は1958年という記述もある。1958年はIRF社がシリコン太陽電池の生産を開始した年でもある。


"Solar King" International Rectifier1958-1960

 太陽電池パネルは車両の屋根に取り付けられた平板パネルで、太陽高度に合わせて傾けることが出来るようになっている。パネルサイズは1m強×2m弱 *2a) で、面積は26平方フィート(2.34平方m)*2c)*2n)、出力は約100w *2d)とされている。セルサイズはパネル面積と個数から逆算すると14-15mm四方、パネル面積と出力から変換効率は4.3%程度であることがわかる。パネルコストは $15000以上であったが、大量生産すれば$2000-3000になるだろうと予測されていた。
 熱帯の太陽の下では3時間でフル充電でき、速度は時速20マイル *2d) とされている。一方で航続距離がゆっくり走れば50マイル、50マイル走りきった後には10時間程度の充電が必要との記述も見られる *2e)。バッテリー容量が明記されていないので充電時間は如何様にでも書けるが、300WHで50マイル(約80km)走行(時速20マイルで2.5時間)は、如何に当時の電気自動車が軽かったとしても、少々出来すぎであり、プロモーションのための方便も入っていたものと想像する。

 # 2006年時点での検索では1962年製で太陽電池出力200wとされた
 # サイトもあったが、現在は閉鎖されている。

 動画サイト *2o) ではスムースに走る様子を見ることが出来る。改造車であれ何であれ、人を乗せて時速20マイル(32km/hr)で走った訳であるから、文句なく世界最初のソーラーカーと呼んで良いだろう。


"Solar King" International Rectifier1958-1960


 International Rectifier Corporation:直訳すると国際整流器会社。その名の通り整流器が会社のルーツである。主として電力用半導体分野で成功を収め、現在はパワーエレクトロニクス分野でのトップ企業の内の一社である。
 1947年に International Rectifier Corporation を設立。創業時の従業員はわずか6人で、最初の製品はセレン整流器用のセレンプレートであった。2年後には、セレン整流器そのものの製造販売に転じて下請的地位から脱し、それ以後電力制御用半導体分野で業容を拡大してゆく。1950年には早くも単結晶シリコンに着目しており、1958年からはシリコン太陽電池の生産を開始するまでに成長した。創業から1960年までの歩みを表に示す。民生用、軍用、宇宙用に広く電力用半導体素子を供給して成長していった様子が解る。

1947年 International Rectifier Corporation を設立。
1949年 セレン光電池、セレンダイオード、カートリッジ整流器の生産を開始。
1950年 単結晶シリコン半導体技術を導入。
1951年 バッテリー充電用のセレンスタック整流器の生産開始。
1952年 カラーテレビ用のセレン整流器の生産開始。
1954年 セレンダイオードによる真空管代替が進む。
1956年 省スペース型シリコンカートリッジ整流器の生産を開始
1957年 日本法人設立
1958年 シリコン太陽電池の生産を開始、
1959年 シリコン制御整流器を開発。
1960年 気象衛星 TIROS 1 に太陽電池を供給.







Undated: Solar-powered car (update*)
Dr. Charles Alexander Escoffery develops and demonstrates a solar-powered car: a 1912 Baker electric with 10,640 silicon cells arrayed on the roof that convert sunlight to electricity. On a full charge the car can run for 3 hours at a top speed of 20 miles per hour.
* Dr. Escoffery, who is still alive, sent along this additional information: "The car was a renovated 1912 Baker Electric with a panel of photovoltaic cells on the roof and lead acid batteries front and rear. It was a project of The International Rectifier Corporation to publicize their photocells and although power output of the cells was only 100w, it attracted world-wide attention with people believing gasoline (petrol) would no longer be needed to power their automobiles. The car was demonstrated in Chicago, New York City, Rome, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and London."
 この車両の制作者自身がブログ管理者に情報を提供 鉛バッテリーは前後に分けて収納された。この車両の製作目的は太陽電池の宣伝である。デモはシカゴ、ニューヨーク、ローマ、コペンハーゲン、アムステルダム、ロンドンで行われた。
*2c) "Modern Mechanix Sunlight Powers Automobile" Science and Mechanics, p74, Aug.1960.
原文:Sunlight Power Automobile
POWERED by the same kind of solar cells used in space vehicles, this car ---a 1912 Baker electric--- has a top speed of 20mph.
The 26 sq.ft. panel atop the car contains some 10.640 silicon cells which convert sunlight to electricity. The car was rigged with the cells merely to demonstrate the potential of solar power conversion, and the cells produce enough electricity in eight hours of sunlight to run it for only one hour.
The system was developed by Dr.Charles A. Escoffery, technical assistant to the president of International Rectifier Corp., El Segundo, Calif. Cost of the solar cell panel is about $15,000. In mass production quantities of a hundred or so, it could be sold for $2,000 to $3.000, says Dr. Escoffery.
Here's how the solar cell panel powers the electric automobile: Sunlight hits the silicon cells(A), which convert the light to electricity. The electrical energy is fed into storage batteries(B), a series connection of 12 blocks of 6 volts each. The controller and 3-hp motor(C) draw electricity from the batteries. Intermediate storage permits operation in the absence of sunlight.
仕様に関する記述 パネル面積 26平方フィート
 最高速 時速20マイル
 駆動系電圧 DC6volt×12直列=72volt
 モーター出力 3馬力
*2d) "The Quest for New Solar Batteries", The New Scientist, Vol.8, No.196, p442-443, 18.Aug.1960.
原文:The Quest for New Solar Batteries
The arrival of the American veteran car with its new sun-hat of 10,640 silicon cells in London has drawn attention to the possibilities of using sun-generated electricity for all kinds of purposes. For the time being driving automobiles is not one of them, as the brougham's custodian, C.A.Escoffery, of the International Rectifier Corporation, would be the first to agree. The old car with its stately coach work is a charming and slightly eccentric gimmick. Its sun-hat has produced a mere 100 watts under the most favorable laboratory conditions which means that it would take a week of basking under the tropical sun to charge the car's accumulator for a 3-hours trip at 20 miles an hour.
For all that, the solar battery is rapidly reaching the storage where it will have many applications, although probably. for obvious reason, not in Britain. Solar cells are not new: every photo-electric exposure meter is fitted with one. The new advance stems from the use of semiconductor materials which have improved the efficiency of the light conversion process to around 10 per cent and which are (potentially) reasonably cheap.
At the moment the electricity generated in solar cells cannot compare with even the most inefficient thermal power station because of the high capital cost of the cells. The main problem is to provide a sufficiently large collecting area to intercept the required amount of solar energy. The electric brougham's cells produced their 100 watts from an area of 2.4 square meters. A solar battery of this type sufficiently large to run a single-bar electric fire would measure about 20 feet by 12 feet.
The battery would, of course, heat the electric fire only when the Sun was shining, so the usual course is to let the solar battery charge an accumulator which stores the electricity for use when it is required. Thus although the sunshine is free, the electricity is expensive if one takes into amount the interest on the capital cost of all the equipment involved.
In these circumstances it is not surprising that the main use of solar cells so far has been in applications where the high cost of the cells is offset by other factors. For instance, they have been used in a number of Earthy satellites and space probes and for providing small quantities; and for telephone services in remote places where otherwise the cost of charging batteries would be considerable.
There is of course a prospect of solar cells with greater efficiency. Compound semiconductors such as gallium arsenide with a potential efficiency of 25 per cent might be substituted for silicon. Another alternative --- mounting the cells at right angles to a mirror --- promises a significant improvement. but would unfortunately take up more space. More difficult to achieve, but rewarding if it can be done, is the idea of using combinations of semiconductors to make batteries capable of absorbing a greater function of Sun's energy spectrum.
At present, assuming a life of 20.000 hours, power from a solar cell cost around 30s. per kilowatt hour (compared with 1.25d. per kWh for many householders in Britain). The development of new techniques for making big sheets of solar cell could bring it tumbling to under 2s. per kWh, which would open up many more applications. But, even then, sun-power motoring would be an expensive hobby.
仕様に関する記述 パネル出力 100watt
 パネル面積 2.4平方m
 駆動系電圧 DC6volt×12直列=72volt
 モーター出力 3馬力、1時間に20マイル走行
*2e) "Sun Powerd Old Car", Popular Mechanics,vol.113, No.6, p122, Jun.1960.
原文:Sun Powerd Old Car
Each spring a new crop of electric car appears that promises to supersede the noisy, smelly gas buggy. This year, there is a full-size solar car that draws power from the sun. A panel of 10.000 solar cells is mounted on the roof and energy from the sun is converted to electricity by there cells. The motor of the car (a reconditioned 1912 Baker Electric) draws current from a back of batteries which are recharged by the solar cells. The car has a top speed of 20 miles per hour. If driven slowly to conserve electricity, it will go about 50 miles before it needs recharging. Unfortunately, the solar cells do not "make" electricity as fast as the car uses it. So, after 50 miles of operation, the car must stand in the sunlight for 10 hours before it is ready to go again. Built by the International Rectifier Corp., the solar panel has been installed on the car simply as a test and the car, obviously, is not for sale.
仕様に関する記述 最高速度 時速20マイル
 航続距離 50マイル
 充電時間 50マイル走行後には10時間必要
*2f) FIRST REAL SOLAR-POWERED CAR, Popular Science, vol.179, No.1, p.122,Jul.1961.
FIRST REAL SOLAR-POWERED CAR, restored 1912 Baker Electric runs on energy from 10640 sun cells mounted on a roof panel. The cells charge storage batteries so car can run when there's no sun. International Rectifier devised the demonstration.
NEWEST SUN CELL available is this plastic-encased type just introduced by International Rectifier. Each contains two separate cells sealed under a plastic light-collecting lens. Model boat runs well on one, even better on two of these.
*2h) "FIRST REAL SOLAR-POWERED CAR", Popular Science, vol.179.No.1.,p122, Jun.1961.
   「無一文から長者へ」と題された Eric Lidow 氏(IRF社の創始者)立志伝。
IR Solar King: Based on the Baker 1912, Eric Lidow developed the first solar-driven electric vehicle. The arrangable solar panel hosted 10,640 solar cells.
*2j) IRF社60周年サイト
IR introduces world's first solar powered car in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City
Dr. Charles Escoffery 紹介
Dr. Charles A. Escoffery '37 B.Sc. Honours (Chemistry), Acadia, Ph.D.(Physical Chemistry), Massachussetts Institute of Technology, D.Sc.(Hon), Acadia University
Charles Escoffery was born in Managua, Nicaragua, and graduated from Acadia with a B.Sc. degree in 1937. After completing graduate work at M.I.T., he worked in industry in the United States in what would now be called Materials Science. Among his industrial positions, he served as Director of Research and Development for the selenium division of the Federal Telephone and Radio Corporation, Senior Chemist for the International Rectifier Corporation, and Senior Manager, materials and process engineering, for the Hughes Aircraft Corporation. Dr. Escoffery's career exposed him to a remarkable evolution in the design and industrial use of materials. He made significant contributions in the development of materials and processes for vacuum tubes, ceramics, metallizers, oxide cathodes, potting and encapsulation materials, and microwave absorbers. In recognition of his substantial contributions in the development of industrial Materials Science, Dr. Escoffery was presented with the R.E. Templin Award of the A.S.T.M and an honorary D.Sc. from his alma mater, Acadia. He was elected a fellow of the American Institute of Chemists, the American Ceramic Society, and the Society of Aerospace Materials and Process Engineers.
   Dr. Charles Escoffery 紹介と、IRF社ソーラーカーのパネルコスト。
*2o) 動画
*2p) 高精細画像
*2q) 高精細画像
*2r) 高精細画像
*2s) *2t) *2u) *2v)

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第一稿   2006.01.01.
追記    2006.09.24.
追記    2006.10.14.
一部訂正  2007.08.07.
引用ウエブサイトについて更新  2010.10.05.
IRF社ソーラーカーについて全面改定  2010.10.06.
全面改定 2010.11.12.

Copyright Satoshi Maeda@Solar Car Archaeolgy Research Institute
太陽能車考古学研究所 2006.01.01